The training of our volunteers is a key element of our approach. Indeed, they will be the first actors to intervene with the children receiving our service. It is therefore essential that they understand the foundations of our approach as well as its raison d'être, and that they commit themselves to respecting this framework of intervention.
- Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer at JAME is first interviewed and given a presentation of the organization's mission and approach to intervention;
- Afterwards, each new volunteer receives a compulsory basic training of about 3 hours which takes place from September to June;
- Then, throughout the year, we organise three times a year continuous training sessions in the form of conferences or exchange meetings, which are great moments of enrichment and sharing;
- Finally, each time a volunteer comes to our offices to exchange books, they receive personalised support from our educational coordinators and advice specifically adapted to the problems of the young reader in their pairing.

The selection and training of volunteers is done throughout the year. The quality of the match between the volunteer and the beneficiary family is a prerequisite for the success of the action undertaken. Extreme care is therefore taken in the recruitment of new volunteers and in the ongoing training of more experienced ones.
A volunteer is always supported and accompanied meticulously during the whole period of his/her twinning. The organisation provides volunteers with its own library and all the necessary materials for reading activities and games. A child is matched only when the volunteer is able to go to the child's home to read.