Workshop for parents

Better reading for better success


Most children are eager to learn to read. They know that this skill will open the doors to the secret world of adults, to those strange and indecipherable little inscriptions that we see everywhere around us: the world of the written word...

Unfortunately, learning to read can become a major source of stress for some children. What can you do as a parent to help your child who is having trouble reading in the first year of elementary school? How can you stimulate your pre-teen's interest in books?


  1. Topics covered during the workshop:
  • Welcome, short presentation of JAME and round table of parents;
  • Gathering parents' expectations of the workshop, concerns and worries;
  • The benefits of reading: a storm of ideas.
  • Myths and realities.
  • 4 steps and tips on: how to integrate reading into your daily life, the role of the parent as a model reader, shared pleasure
  • Diversity of children's books (according to temperament, developmental stages, etc.), why read a book with your child.
  • Educational resources and simple activities to do at home
  1. Format The basic workshop lasts 2.5 hours, with a 15 minute break in the middle of the meeting
  2. Facilitator A JAME educational coordinator
  1. Number of participants : 8 to 12 parents (maximum)
  1. Logistics Recruitment of participants is the responsibility of the host organisation, which must also provide the following equipment: tables, chairs, projection screen, projector, flip-chart
  1. Cost of the training 500 (fees + travel expenses)