Continuing education: Critical thinking is a good way to think!
"During the year, JAME likes to offer volunteers ongoing training. These are diverse and very informative for everyone who attends! These evenings are great opportunities to exchange, learn and share. On December 17, the training session was on critical thinking in children's literature, i.e. how to help a child develop critical thinking through books. For the occasion, the guest speaker from Communication-Jeunesse presented a series of books written by various authors, through which children could be led to question themselves, to want to understand more and to ask questions! As the name of the course indicates, "Critical thinking makes you think", and this is exactly what we observed following the many questions raised by the volunteers! A colourful and enjoyable evening! Thank you to you, dear volunteers, who came in great numbers, over sixty of you! We can tell that you appreciate the continuing education evenings offered by JAME!