Discover our "Beyond Reading" exhibition!
On June 16th, JAME celebrated its 30th anniversary at Quai 5160 in Verdun. 30 years of stories...
During the evening our exhibition "Beyond Reading" was unveiled, featuring 30 portraits of inspiring volunteer-child matches.
Through its flagship home-based reading support programme created in 1991, JAME helps create intergenerational and intercultural connections between volunteers from the community and children referred by their primary schools for learning difficulties.
In 30 years, JAME has seen nearly 3,000 volunteer-child pairings. 3000 stories of stories...
But above all, human adventures that often go beyond reading.
These portraits were made possible thanks to the volunteers and families who agreed to participate, as well as to Julie Durocher, a talented photographer from Verdun, not to mention our astute authors Stéphanie Bedou and Bérengère Ruet, and our creative graphic designer Nadia Béliveau, and finally Maria Sol Terraza, who orchestrated the whole thing magnificently.
During the evening, we had the great pleasure of having among us the brilliant and sympathetic journalist Rima Elkouri, from La Presse, who published a very touching article: "Passing books, changing lives" .
Some of the magical moments below were captured by our photographer for the evening: Marianne Charland. These artistic shots accurately capture the emotion of the event.
Thank you all for joining us!