For JAME, the end of the school year is a time to highlight the efforts and perseverance of all the volunteers and their little readers throughout the school year! Every year, the JAME team organises a big party to which everyone is invited!
After many months of seeing each other in Zoom, JAME invited its volunteers and families to one of the parks in their neighbourhood! For many, these small, intimate meetings allowed them to meet for the very first time and to get to know each other in person! After many months behind a screen, these were beautiful and emotional moments! There's no doubt about it, we were all very happy to have a break from the virtual world!
On the spot, the young and old were very attentive to the narration of a Kamishibaï animated by some members of the team: Audrey Archambault, Stéphanie Bedou! Before leaving, each volunteer and little reader was presented with an honorary diploma to illustrate their commitment, support and, above all, their resilience following a year full of colour and emotion! All the children, including the siblings, received books as gifts to cultivate the pleasure of reading at home!
It was the perfect occasion to thank in a special way the commitment of our volunteers celebrating their 5, 10 and 15 years of volunteer work at JAME! Thank you to Ms. Diane De Grandis, Ms. Hélène Delisle, Ms. Nathalie Dion, Ms. Diane Drouin, Mr. ClaudeLuc and Mr. Gilbert Letendre! Your support in reading has been a precious tool for all the children you have accompanied over the years! With your help, they have developed the pleasure of reading! Reading gives you wings!
We would like to thank the merchants on Promenade Wellington: , Chez Copette et cie , La Pâtisserie de la Gare and Dollorama for your sponsorship donations! Also, , Pointe-à-Callière Museum, Château Ramezay Museum and the MAC generosity! , and ! !
Finally, we would like to thank our generous sponsors in the publishing industry who have allowed us to spoil our little readers and make our annual party a success! We would like to warmly thank the following publishers: Soulières, Erpi, Gallimard Ltée, Les 400 coups, Québec-Amérique, Hurtubise HMH, La Pastèque, Boréal, La courte échelle, Michel Quintin, Édito jeunesse, Isatis.

The suspense is finally over!
An announcement to brighten up the end of the pandemic winter:
It is with great pleasure that we announce the appointment of Audrey Archambault as the new Executive Director of JAME.
Audrey is already well known to JAME's volunteers and partners, and is highly appreciated by all. She has accumulated some twenty years of relevant professional experience related to our mission, including her eight years of experience at JAME, first as pedagogical coordinator and project manager, and then as deputy director since 2018. These years of experience in dropout prevention and family literacy have allowed her to develop an impressive range of knowledge and skills.
Her professional skills and personal qualities make her an excellent candidate to take over from our current director, Patricia Bossy, as she leaves us for a well-deserved retirement.
Audrey will take up her post on1 April and will be supported in the transition process by Patricia until June 2021.
Welcome Audrey, we wish you success!
For the Board of Directors of JAME,
Madeleine Bérard,
This summer we delivered several stimulation kits to many families in Ville Lasalle. The kits were designed to stimulate learning in children aged 0-5 years. A stimulation kit is a box containing various stimulation objects (balls, books, toys, puzzles, etc.) used to stimulate several aspects of a child's development: play, the pleasure of reading, language, learning about emotions, healthy lifestyle habits, routine, healthy eating and physical exercise.
Stimulating the little ones is important to us!

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This summer, JAME is going to the parks with its books and its reading tent! A literary camping experience for a morning!
In partnership with the Verdun family round table, JAME 's educational coordinators go to a park in the Verdun borough and invite the population to consult books on site. For the pleasure of everyone, the coordinators read to all the children present!
Summer is for playing and reading 🙂
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Like many businesses and community organizations, JAME has put in place ways to maintain its many services! Thus, a digital component was created! In fact, several volunteers have taken up the challenge of following a Zoom training course given by our project manager, Stéphanie. If you want to know more about how this platform works, click here. Zoom
In addition, thanks to the generosity of Centreaide, who donated a dozen digital tablets to JAME, we are able to lend them to families! This way, the children can be connected and continue to receive reading support with their volunteer!
Also, like you, the JAME team has been learning new things in order to maintain our weekly meetings. Like you, we have taken the time to understand how zoom works and have been able to continue to work from home. Once again, the unprecedented commitment of our team, community, volunteers and families demonstrates that the bond between us is stronger than a global pandemic! There is no stopping us!
Finally, if you want to learn more about digital distance support, the Quebec government has a digital education action plan. To learn more, visit their page.